Stories around the globe

juli 2023

Storytelling has existed since the beginning of time. This form of art is practiced all over the world, it is in our DNA. Culture and traditions have been passed on for centuries through storytelling, it creates a real connection between people.

All over the world

Storytelling techniques are also increasingly used in business presentations. And although the purpose of a presentation is the same all over the world – to inspire, inform, convince, pump up or criticize – the storytelling techniques can differ enormously from country to country.

In Western Europe, presentations are often given based on content. We usually have rational speakers, who have done their research and are well prepared. In North America presentations are a little more direct. Interaction is a bigger part of a presentation, the audience is often addressed and asking questions is encouraged throughout the presentation. This is a no-go in Western Europe.

“Storytelling is in our DNA.”

In many Asian countries, presentations are often very formal. The greatest authority on a subject still shows deep respect for elders or higher-ups in the audience. The speech is, unlike in North America, somewhat evasive. The key message is delivered carefully and a touch of mysticism is added to the story. During a presentation the main emphasis is on demonstrating expertise and building credibility, rather than making a clear point.


This is a big contrast with the Middle East, where they prefer to tell enchanting stories, even in a business presentation. Anecdotes and metaphors are continuously used to support a story, and there is also a lot of play with voice and body language. Active listening and loud response to the presentation is expected, it shows the interest of the audience.

Cultural context

If you get to know the culture-driven differences in presentations, it is easier to connect with speakers or listeners from other countries. Adapting to the cultural contexts of your audience is a good way to ensure your message is heard. Yet your own personality remains the most important thing when giving a killer presentation. With a structured PowerPoint presentation, with lots of hand gestures or with an abundance of anecdotes, if you tell your story your way, you will make a real connection.

No bull

Just great stories