
You’re ready to add public speaking to your list of core qualities. You want to learn to present without nerves getting in the way, stand up straight in front of a large group of people and tell your story with confidence. You are going to change people’s minds with your story, maybe even lives. And it’s going to be fun! The first step is to decide how you learn new skills best. Are you at your best in a 1-on-1 setting or do you like to learn from others? Do you want to work with your entire team or are you looking for the most efficient way to gain knowledge? Happy Good Talk has a variety of training courses to choose from.

Vrolijke vrouw volgt training uit de Happy Academy
Trainer van de Happy Academy applaudisseert voor deelnemers

Storytelling training

An intensive 2-day work-out

In our Storytelling training, we help you to tell a story that sticks, in way that is your own, in order for you to create the impact you want. In our most extensive workout ever, we’ll teach you how to blow your audience’s socks off! You’ll learn how to use storytelling to up your public speaking skills, visualizing your story with matching images and finally get rid of those nerves. You’ll finish this training with a smile and a ton of confidence.

De 1-op-1 trainer geeft aanwijzingen

1-on-1 Public speaking coaching

Up close and personal

If you want to gain more confidence when speaking in front of a large group of people, our 1-on-1 public speaking coaching is perfect for you. The exclusivity of this program helps you enlarge your comfort zone and grow in your role as a public speaking expert. In a safe environment you will learn how to stand your ground and knock everyone’s socks off.

Jonge man volgt een digitale training uit de Happy Academy

Slide design training

A digital design sprint

The risk of using a slideshow in your presentation, is that your audience will focus on the slide instead of on you. In our Slide design training we’ll help you find the perfect balance between informative and supporting slides. We will show you how to put complex subjects in a simple and compelling way, with an effective slide that contributes to your message. So all eyes are on you and your story.

No bull

Just great stories